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Western North Carolina's
Home for Youth Soccer

Western North Carolina's
Home for Youth Soccer

TOPSoccer Program Overview:
TOPSoccer (The Outreach Program for Soccer) is a community-based training and team placement program for young athletes with disabilities. The program is designed to bring the opportunity of learning and playing soccer to any player who has a mental or physical disability. The goal is to enable the thousands of young athletes with disabilities to become valued and successful members of the North Carolina Soccer family. TOPSoccer is designed to reach and meet the needs of players ages 5 to 21 with physical and/or mental disabilities. The program caters to player development rather than competition. TOPSoccer takes these children off the sidelines and allows them to participate in the game of soccer. 

TOPSoccer was established to perpetuate the USYS’s mission statement, which is “to foster the physical, mental, and emotional growth and development through the sport of soccer at all levels of age and abilities”. Our goal is to enable these young athletes with disabilities to develop their physical fitness, technical skills, courage and self-esteem, through the joy and excitement of playing soccer.

Click here to visit NCYSA's TOPSoccer page for more resources.

TOPSoccer Developmental Focuses:
The emphasis of the program is on development, training, and meaningful participation rather than on competition. The program is structured in a way that players are assigned a “soccer buddy” and are grouped by age or ability and work through stations on the field with the focus on “High Fun”.

TOPSoccer Coaches and Buddies:
ABYSA and UNC Asheville Women's Soccer team with the help of the men's team have teamed up to offer a TOPSoccer coaches and buddies for the program each Spring.  

Want to be a TOPSoccer BuddyContact the TOPSoccer program director, TBA, then complete the NCYSA Risk Management/Background check program.  Click here for more information about Risk Management.

Season Dates and Information:

 Spring 2024 TOPSoccer Important
Dates and Information
 Seasons OfferedSpring only
 Player Ages 5 - 21 years old 
 Season DatesMarch 24th - May 5th
(excluding Easter weekend)
 GamedaysEach Sunday during the season

How to Register:

Click here for help and instructions on registering
(Click here for PDF Version)

Be sure to download the PlayMetrics Mobile app for easy access
to your account, schedule, and communications!

Apple users click here
Android users click here

Contact Us

Program Questions

PlayMetrics Account Questions
Will Voss
ABYSA Recreation Program Administrator
[email protected]

Para información en español 
Monica Bastin
[email protected]

Contact Us:

Asheville Buncombe Youth Soccer Association, Inc.

ABYSA/HFC PO Box 895 Asheville NC 28802-0895 

[email protected]

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