We are excited to welcome your family & daughter to our HFC Girls Program. We hope that all of you really enjoy your experience at HFC & specifically within our program. We do our very best to find the right fit for each player when it comes to team placement. A great fit means your daughter will be challenged; she will learn through the process but will also find success in this journey. We have some really great coaches in our program that really care about our players, their experience & development as soccer players & humans.

As mandated by US Soccer, all HFC programs are based off of birth year, not player age or grade level.
Season Ending Spring 2026 - Birth Year = HFC Division

Team Tiers | Girls Breakdown
1. ECNL Regional League (RL) | U13-U19
Our Top Tier for our Girls is the ECNL Regional League. This program is meant for players that are very committed to their soccer development and want to be challenged at the highest level. ECNL RL Teams will train 4 times per week with games on the weekend. We compete in the Conference Carolinas of the ECNL Regional League which will consist of 12 league games each season.
13U-14U ECNL RL Girls will play in two full ECNL RL League Seasons (Fall & Spring) for a total of 24 matches over the course of the full year. They will participate in 6 tournaments per year; each season they will compete in 1 home event & 2 travel events (Fall & Spring). Some of their tournament events could require extensive travel outside our immediate region. Their Fall season tends to start the first week of August & will go through the middle of December (we will share those specific dates). Their Spring season will start at the beginning of January & go through the middle of June.
15U-19U ECNL RL Girls will play in one full ECNL RL League Season (Fall) for a total of 12 matches . They will participate in 5 tournament/showcase events per year to include 1 home event & 4 travel events. Some of their tournament events could require extensive travel outside our immediate region as we look to compete in some of the best events in the country.
2. NCYSA | U11-19
We will offer NCYSA competitive play for all of our age groups.
The team names for NCYSA are Red, White, Black & Grey so a team name could read 2011 HFC White Girls. NCYSA teams will train 3 times per week. Teams will be placed in a division in accordance with the ability of the team, decided by your directors & coaching staff. Each team will have one coach. Each roster size will differ depending on several factors. such as number of players registered in the age group, age of the team, level of the team. Below is an approximate guess at the team size:
9 v 9 Teams - 12-14 players
11 v 11 Teams – 15-18 Players
*We may carry larger rosters in our 19U age group due to players having other commitments their final years of high school.
U11-14 age groups:
U11-U14 NCYSA teams will compete both in the fall & the spring. When you accept your offer to a team, you are committing to both seasons. The Fall season tends to start the first week of August & go through the middle of November (we will share those specific dates). The Spring season will start the middle of January & go through the middle of May. Your coach will schedule all league games throughout the season. On average, each team will compete in 7-10 league games throughout the season, with a mixture of both home and away games within the region.
They will participate in 6 tournaments per year; each season they will compete in 1 home event & 2 travel events (Fall & Spring). Their tournament events should stay within our region with some exceptions.
U15-19 age groups:
U15-U19 NCYSA teams will compete only in the fall season. Their Fall season tends to start the first week of August & go through the middle of November (we will share those specific dates). Your coach will schedule all league games throughout the season. On average, each team will compete in 7-10 league games throughout the season, with a mixture of both home and away games within the region.