How are Tryouts structured?
Each age group tryout will consist of two designated evenings. The two sessions will last between 75 - 90 minutes (dependent on age) and will allow HFC Coaching directors and staff to evaluate players in several different ways.
What if I try out for the Competitive Program and am not placed on a team?
Player evaluations will be shared with the HFC Academy Program for 11U/12U Girls. For players 13U – 15U, your evaluation will be shared with the HFC Intermediate Program. Players may be contacted by the directors of those programs and might be asked to attend an evaluation for the respective program.
Some players could be offered a position in those programs based upon their performance in Competitive Program tryouts; however, participation in the Competitive Program tryouts does not guarantee a player a position in either the HFC Academy Program or HFC Intermediate Program.
Following the second night of your respective age group’s tryout session, coaches & directors will decide which players will be offered positions on teams. The initial team invites will start to go out within 48 hours unless otherwise notified by the HFC Directors of Coaching. Depending on player acceptances, team invites could be sent up to 7 days after the last tryout night for your age group.
How long do I have before I need to accept an offered position?
In many age groups we have more players trying out than we have roster spots to offer. We ask that a player/family accept or decline their team invite within 48 hours by using the online link. This allows us to quickly communicate with players/families who have been waitlisted. If a position is not accepted within 48 hours, it may be offered to another player. If you plan to accept your team invite BUT there is a reason you are unable to accept within the 48-hour window, please reach out via email to a Coaching Director explaining the reason (possibly financial or paperwork reasons).
What if I can't attend all the days of tryouts?
We highly recommend attending both nights of tryouts so that our staff has the appropriate amount of time to evaluate your player against their peers. If attending tryouts is not possible, please reach out to your director & inform them. We will try to find another solution, but it may not be ideal. For players that have been with the club all year, we should be able to assess based on what we have seen throughout their club season.
What if I would rather not accept a spot on an ECNL RL team due the required commitment.
Please reach out to your director with the questions you may have. It may be possible with some further explanation that this could still be a good fit or maybe the decision is made to stay on an NCYSA team. We want to find the best fit for each players which also means the right fit for the family.
* Closer to tryouts, we will be hosting zoom meetings with information pertinent to each age group’s tryout process & options. If you register for tryouts, you will automatically be invited to the meeting.
If you have any questions, please reach out before tryouts to our Directors.