What is the difference between ECNL, Pre-ECNL, ECNL RL, Classic teams?
The team names in the boys program represent the division in which that specific team will compete in. For example, if your team competes within ECNL RL, you will be; HFC ECNL RL B10. If your team was competing in NCYSA West 1 Division, you will be known as; 2010 HFC Classic 1.
The main differences between the levels are:
The playing ability within the group selected.
The commitment level required (training, time and travel wise)
The level of opponents that we face
The ECNL is our highest level of play for U13-U19 (Pre-ECNL for U10-U12), ECNL RL is our second, Classic (NCYSA) is our lowest level of placement.
How many days will my team train per week?
This will vary based upon the level in which your son is assigned to.
ECNL Teams will train x4 per week when in season. Three of the sessions will be team coach lead sessions, one of the sessions will be a sports performance session lead by a designated SAQ coach.
Pre-ECNL, ECNL RL, NCYSA teams will train x3 per week when in season. All sessions will be team coach lead sessions.
ECNL Teams WILL TRAIN 1x per week in the fall season
ECNL RL & Classic HS aged players (U15-U19), during the fall, you will have the OPTION to train x1 per week during your high school season.
What fields are used for training? (as of March 25’)
Asheville Based Teams - Buncombe County Sports Park & Carolina Day School
Hendersonville Based Teams - AAC / Veritas / East HVL High
What time slots are used for training?
HVL slightly varies based on location utilized and may have slightly later start times; 5-6.30pm, 6.30-8pm.
How many games will my son play per season?
This varies based upon the program in which your son is placed. Naturally, the higher the level of play, the higher the commitment and the more games in which are competed in:
Pre-ECNL | 6-10 games per season.
ECNL RL | U13-14 play 18-22 games. U15-19 play 12-16 games.
NCYSA | 6-10 games per season. Schedule will vary based upon division size.
How many tournaments will we compete per season?
U10 Pre-ECNL - 1 home, 1 away
U11 Pre-ECNL - 1 home, 2 away (fall) - 1 home, 1 away *
U12 Pre-ECNL - 1 home, 2 away (fall & spring)
U13/14 ECNL & ECNL RL - 1 home, 2 away (fall), 2 away (spring)
U15-U19 ECNL RL - 1 home, 3 away *
U15 ECNL - No events, European Trip (Spring)
U16-U17 ECNL - 4 away *
U19 ECNL - 4 away *
U11 Classic - 2 tournaments - 1 home, 1 away (fall & spring)
U12-U14 Classic - 3 tournaments - 1 home, 2 away (fall & spring)
U15-U19 Classic - 3 tournaments - 1 home, 2 away (spring)
* Tournament layout is TBC. Directors are making final decisions.
Who will be the team coach? When will I know?
We always hope to be able to name team coaches around tryouts, but that is not always possible for every team. We are dedicated to providing the highest level of coaching to the players in the Western North Carolina area. Sometimes highly qualified coaches who want to be involved with our program have other professional obligations or schedule conflicts which cannot be sorted out until after tryouts are completed. In such cases, there may be a delay in naming the coach, but teams will know about their coach by the time training begins in mid-July.
Is there any player movement mid or during the season?
Yes. There is always potential. As a coaching staff we are constantly evaluating all players within our program. Within youth football, we are fully aware that development occurs constantly and players may develop faster than previously predicted; when they were placed during May tryouts. If your son’s coach thinks that your son has developed to a level where he is in need of further challenge we will look at a few scenarios:
The player could be invited to attend x1 session per week with the team above within their age group. Ie If your son was in 2011 Classic 3, and he may join 2011 Classic 2 for one session per week.
The player could be invited to guest play in a game or tournament with the team above within their age group. Typically, this invite would only occur if it did not conflict with your current schedule.
The player could be asked to permanently move into the team above within their age group. This would occur, IF, the player showed excellent growth during the season, and had competed at the higher level in steps (1) + (2)
What is the average roster size for teams?
When it comes to roster size, this could fluctuate per team, and per age group based upon several factors like: number of players registered in the age group, age of the team, level of the team. The below is what we aim for:
U10 Pre-ECNL | Pool of 20 players
U11 Pre-ECNL | Pool of 24 players
U11 Classic/U12 Classic | 12-14 players
U12 Pre-ECNL | Pool of 26 players
U13/U14 ECNL, ECNL RL, Classic | 15-16 players
U15-19 ECNL, ECNL RL, Classic | 16-18 players
I am interested in playing College Soccer, can the club help me with my recruiting?
Yes! Absolutely. Our club has a college recruiting coordinator who works with all High School aged, college aspiring athletes to help them both understand and navigate their recruitment journey. Billy Lesesne both meets with players, advises, and helps ensure players are on the right path to give them the best chances of being recruited. All players have access to Sports Recruit (recruiting website to connect with coaches) as well as Hudl, our video/highlighting platform that high school aged players have access to. Head to our college recruiting page for more information.